GP&H Suite


GP&H Suite

28 Aug

GP&H and its Digital Transformation


With the promise of an innovative law firm, Gloria Ponce de Leon & Hernandez has been in trend since its foundation, implementing the “Legal Project Management” work methodology in all its processes. In this way, it offers high quality legal services with an added value that cannot be compared to any other office in Mexico.

Taking into account the almost mandatory digital transformation for the whole sector, derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, Gloria Ponce de León & Hernández, made efforts to complete its evolution, presenting Legafy to the public.

Legafy was created as a response to the development and search for perfection in the provision of services in the legal sector, through a synergy between technology and the experience of expert lawyers in different areas of the law. Through this platform, efforts for digitalization are added with the dynamism for which the Firm is recognized.

From contract automation to a menu that reminds us of the famous e.commerce stores, Legafy will be so simple and user-friendly, that its use will result in an experience that is not limited to the purchase of a legal service, but to the fulfillment of a dream, the solution of a problem or a timely response. Everything from the hand of a Firm that is based on three pillars: Innovation, Trust and Results.

As with all processes related to digital transformation, Gloria Ponce de León & Hernández puts the client at the center of the entire strategy and offers personalized solutions in accordance with the current times.

Genesis Moyeda Salazar

Gloria Ponce de Leon & Hernandez

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