Inside the legal corporate department of every company exist many and very diverse requirements in order to have every document necessary up to date, however, there are general requirements who apply to every kind of corporation that shows us how to deliver our legal obligations in every company.
Now, our main requirements that apply to every kind of corporation is to have up to date our corporate books. This turn into accounting matter also besides the legal part of them, because having a full accounting involves having updated our assemblies, power of representation, capital increase and decrease, as well as our private and public documents in order and with every specifications that every one of them have to deliver and also this reflects in a better order and organization of our company.
It is important to mention that the omission or default of this documents may cause us a penalty fee or fine by the authority as part of their faculties.
Remember also that every document that a corporation must have exist the ones that are signed annually or for a less period of time, this depends on what kind of corporation is and the obligations every one of them have.
Antonio Quiroga Trápala
Gloria Ponce de león & Hernández