In the past days an application was presented to enlarge for a period of 30 days the previous term of transition of the reform in labor matter regarding the outsourcing that came into force the past April of this year.
Given the above, the reforms to the transition period agreed by the Congress of the Union were published last Saturday, July 31 of the current year in the Official Gazette of the Federation, granting a deadline with a deadline of September 1 2021, therefore, companies or businesses will have the opportunity to conclude this regularization process for a period of 30 additional days.
Initially, the possibility of extending the mentioned period for an additional five months was raised, however, after discussing it in session, it was concluded that it would only be for an additional 30 days. Now the challenge is in businesses and companies to carry out or conclude the regularization management in matters of outsourcing and thus avoid being sanctioned according to the aforementioned reform.
It should be noted that at the beginning there were just over 2 million workers who had been regularized by their employers, however, this figure is far from the reality in which many of the workers perceived the result of their work.
Although the period authorized for extension was not the one requested at the beginning, it was mentioned that this was not convenient for the companies that had carried out their regularization in a timely manner and that extending for 5 months would represent a damage to the interests of those who acted in time and form.
Antonio Quiroga
Gloria Ponce de León & Hernández