GP&H Suite


GP&H Suite

12 Aug

Main strategy options for gas stations in relation to the Energy Reform


One of the main objectives of the Energy Reform is to promote the market and increase competition, and consequently, the governed have a greater range of options to choose where to use the services of the gas stations.

Now, for gasoline operators, they also open the doors so that they have more options to obtain gasoline, as well as rent, or store in another way than usual, before the Energy Reform.

Here we list some options for gas stations:

  1. Rent the business or sublet it
  2. Allying with competitors, or with other providers
  3. -ncrease the value offer, give a plus to the service they offer;
  4. Acquire competitors;
  5. Strategy for gas stations entering new segments of the value chain
  6. Enter the oil transportation business, storage, as long as you have this permission from the competent authority
  7. Strategy for gas stations transforming the current business
  8. Brand differentiation, since a private brand can be assigned, which also has an intrinsic value
  9. Total independence and brand differentiation;

Among other.

In the same vein, on May 4, 2021, the Reform to articles 51, 53, 56, 57, 59 Bis and 86 of the Hydrocarbons Law was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, by which they restrict the permits for the Transportation, Storage, Distribution, compression, liquefaction, decompression, regasification, commercialization and Sale to the Public of Hydrocarbons, among others, which could cause for permit holders.

Which can generate uncertainty for gasoline or permit holders speaks of a possible temporary occupation, intervention or suspension of the permit, with the purpose of “guaranteeing the interests of the Nation” without being able to identify this concept, leaving it to the discretion of the authority that concept. In addition, that in its article 59 Bis, it grants the Energy Regulatory Commission and the Secretary of Energy to suspend the permits issued when “an imminent situation is foreseen for national security, energy security or the national economy”, it still creates legal uncertainty and can leave at the discretion of the authority the cases of revocation of the permit

Arturo de la Peña

Gloria Ponce de León & Hernández

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