GP&H Suite


GP&H Suite

17 Dec

Analysis of the Fiscal Package Nuevo León 2022


The local Congress of Nuevo Leon approved the Fiscal Package for next year, with an increase in spending that was proposed by the state administration to be allocated to the justice bodies.

Specifically, the budget amounted to 17 billion pesos, however, 451,599 million pesos were added for the Attorney General’s Office and the State Judiciary, as well as extra resources for Full-Time Schools, Red Cross and Firefighters of Nuevo Leon, who had denounced in the past months lack of resources to maintain the operation and had to close some of the stations that provided service to some municipalities.

Regarding the Revenue Law, an amount of 118 thousand 194 million pesos was approved, an increase of 10 percent compared to 2021. It is worth mentioning the creation of a “green tax” for polluting companies, which is expected to raise 400 million pesos.

In addition, 4.2 billion pesos in long-term and 2.27 billion pesos in short-term financing were considered. As well as a long-term debt restructuring.

In this sense, one of the important points to consider has been the generation of jobs through investment and infrastructure, in which more than 7,500 direct jobs and up to 15,000 indirect jobs are proposed due to the multiplier effect of the investment in infrastructure.

A significant adjustment to spending of $4,208 million pesos is being made through the following actions:

A reduction in payroll costs of 3.3 percent is considered, representing a savings of $696 million pesos.

– A downward adjustment of 411 million pesos is proposed in the expenditure of parastatal agencies.

– A redirection of 400 million pesos of resources that were destined to COVID-19, which are no longer necessary, is contemplated.

– A decrease of extraordinary support to the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado de Nuevo León (ISSSTELEON) for 500 million pesos is foreseen. This will be possible based on the benefits of the new ISSSTELEON health care scheme.

– A 30 percent decrease in the purchase of materials and supplies is reflected, which represents a savings of 316 million pesos.

– There is a 40 percent decrease in social communication expenses, which will allow for the availability of 109 million pesos.

– A 20 percent cut in general services is granted, saving the State 803 million pesos.

– A cut of 400 million pesos is estimated for the Educational Integration Unit.

Likewise, the legislators approved the Fiscal Code 2022, which is homologated with the Federal one. This will create the Tax Mailbox, to streamline processes and there will be actions against companies known as “billers”.

The law also contemplates the creation of a State Taxpayers Registry, which will help in the fight against the sale of illegal invoices and phantom suppliers. Finally, the increase in property taxes in the municipalities of San Pedro Garza García and Monterrey was approved; in the case of the former, the cadastral value will increase by 25 percent and in the capital city by 19 percent.

Lic. Génesis Moyeda Salazar.

Gloria Ponce de León & Hernández


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