Blockchain in the new National Code of Civil and Family Procedures
The National Code of Civil and Family Proceedings was published today in the Official Gazette of the Federation, which seeks to establish standardized protocols at the national level to resolve disputes between private parties.
It also incorporates an approach that promotes the use of information technologies in judicial proceedings, with the purpose of unifying the legal standards and foundations to achieve a fair and equitable solution to conflicts.
This Code will be applicable to situations such as: alimony, divorce, guardianship of minors, wills and probate proceedings.
Among the most important aspects of this enactment is the incorporation and recognition of blockchain and metaverse, which are defined as follows:
VII. Blockchain. A set of technologies whose characteristics seek to enable the transfer of value in digital environments through consensus and encryption methods. From a technical point of view, and according to its characteristics, a blockchain is a database, decentralized and distributed in a computer network, formed by a set of linked records where transactions or data are stored, which have been designed to prevent unauthorized modification or manipulation, once a piece of data has been published.
XXVI. Metaverse. Virtual space that enables social coexistence in digital worlds through immersive graphic experiences in third dimension, which usually uses virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed or hybrid reality, tokens and blockchain technologies.
For further information on the note, please contact us.
Source: Diario Oficial de la Federación. Recuperado el 07 de junio del 2023 de:
Mariana Z. Crespo Alcalá.
Gloria Ponce de León & Hernández.
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